2016.02.10 20:0602.10.2016My 23rd birthday was unforgettable🇺🇸❤️Love you guys!02.08.2016 at JIM'N NICK'S bbq🐘23歳も自分らしく、ポジティブに頑張ります👌🏻21days left🇺🇸Erika
2016.02.04 05:4702.03.2016SETSUBUN ぶんぶんぶーん👹It is the Japanese event to welcome spring? I'm not sure. 日本人のくせにってな(笑)南南東むいて一言も喋らずに食べました。\鬼は外、福は内/Erika
2016.02.01 02:1001.31.2016When I came to Alabama, I couldn't speak English. It was also difficult to understand what people said, so I was afraid of meeting people.I ...
2016.01.28 21:3301.28.2016 hiBecause there are a bunch of expressions that describe the same meaning, I LOVE learning English💁🏼💗寮のエレベーターで、男の子が "What do you need?"(正確に...
2016.01.27 16:5801.27.2016 gmYesterday's dinner🍴It's getting warmer outside🌞今後、留学で感じたこととか振り返るために毎日更新しようと思っていたのに昨日更新できなかった。昨日の練習はワークアウトで汗だくだくやったけど、頑張れた!みんなでやると励まされる!!今日...
2016.01.24 02:3101.23.2016 GEGood evening guys🌝We made brownie with cookie dough and oreo today!!Uhhhhhhh. I love brownies so bad🙄Thank you Maja! I always enjoy ...
2016.01.22 16:4901.22.2016 gmIt's freezing cold in Alabama🌨Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow寒い寒い寒い。飲めもしないブラックコーヒー。クリーム入れてもまだ苦い。Erika
2016.01.22 03:4001.21.2016 gn"ROLL TIDE ROLL"Though it was raining, we practiced today🏃🏻 I hope we are used to playing frisbee in the rain because of today's prac...
2016.01.21 15:5301.21.2016 gmUhhhI have some pimples on my face🙄BUT It doesn't matter!"Today you are YOU. That is TRUER than true. There is NO ONE arrive wh...